Finally some new Artwork!
after a long time of doing nothing... Ha, ha! Actually, I've been working on a few diferent designs for T-shirts, some new paintings as well as some cool Digital Pieces, and some new drawings of Aztec Warriors for a Coloring book that I've been working on for the last couple of years. I haven't uploaded any of them because I haven't had a lot of spare time to do so. But for now, here's a step by step process of a painting I started last week.
This Painting is done on a 4' x 3' piece of sheet metal that I've had for a long time sitting in my studio, I almost gave it away to a friend of mine but he never came to pick it up, so I decided to finally use it . It's only finished half way by the time of this post, but I'll update the photos as I finish it.
Step 1: For the first step I had to decide what to paint, I really had no idea of what I wanted to do, I liked the metal piece because of the size, and I figured I would paint a girl since I happen to like painting girls, other than that I was drawing a blank. So, I drew a girl with the arms extended and a veil, and had the idea of the wings on the background, which then turned into a bird, as if she's imagining to fly. As you can see this is a very rough drawing, I just wanted to see how it felt on the rectangle.
Step 2: For this step I cleaned up the first rough but not too much... I don't like spending a lot of time working on the details if I'm not sure this is the idea that I choose to paint. I decided to add some flowers and hummingbirds instead of the veil. I think it works better.
Step 3: For this drawing after I did some research for birds and flowers I decided I had worked enough on the sketch so I projected it on the metal piece and started painting.
Step 4: When I started painting I wanted to keep the color in a monotone hot pink, but when I started to get some detail and saw what it looked like, I thought it would be a good idea to throw some turqoise blue on the wings, it doesn't show yet on the photos, but I'll be working on those tonight. Here I am doing the detail on a Hummingbird.
Step 5: More flowers...
Step 6: This is what the painting looked like at 11pm Monday. So far I am very satisfied by how it's coming along. I wanted to work on the flowers first because they have so much detail, the girl shouldn't take me long, especially because it has no skin tones.
Step 7: On this step I finished the bottom part with all the flowers, and the birds, I also decided to put a veil on the torso to make her a little more suggestive.
Step 8:
Step 9: